Sunday, 10 February 2013

this is the latest italo mix. i like this one, many hours to make it sound good.many good memories from these dace floor classics.thanks to the followers i hope they spread these mixes around. also important!! i hope those artists dont mind me using these songs. any way these mixes are not for sale purpose only for promotion. thanks to my friend benson from vantage high energy history mix. and my old mate d.j chris(dalamakis) from the club days a.k.a. the king of hillbrow.

this was the last high energy mix i did. i am not sure how this one was recieved, i had alot of fun on this one. i hope you guys liked this. also many good classics on here. download from my post on face book. thanks to those great artists, and my friends. benson and d.j chris for the support.

on this one. a different aproach.. one i been wanting to do for along time. my other hobby, a collection of many hard and soft rock bands from the days when bands where getting signed left right and centre.many from los angles california. or should i say the holy grail of music.this album rocks. i hope any of those artists dont mind me doing this one, it is out of respect to those guys who tried so hard to getting the support they deserve. i hope you enjoy this one.

oh yes this one got alot of listeners. i think this is one of the best high energy albums i did. many good ones on here, so from the few followers and supporters gives me the ambition to continue these projects. much appreciated..

i have not been on my site for a while . so this is some of the last mixes i did. on number 11 this is some of the best mixes i did , this one turned out good, many good classics on this also thanks to the few followers and to my friend d.j pantro for his support. d.j chris (dalamakis) an old d.j from the club days in south africa. still the best . thanks for his inspiration to do these classic mixes.. hope you enjoy this one. all downloads are on my post on facebook.